Wenn daheim im Zillertal nicht genug Schnee liegt, folgen die Ästhetiker dem Schnee. Dieses mal fuhren wir nach Nassfeld Hermagor in Kärnten, um dort einige Tricks und Turns zu filmen.
If they can’t find enough deep snow at home in the Zillertal, the Ästhetikers need to follow the powder. This time we went to Nassfeld Hermagor in Kärnten and filmed a lot of turns and tricks.
Filmed by:
Mauro Castellani
Matthias Leinich
Henrik Frensch
Hostings filmed by:
Tom Elliott
Directed and post production by:
Walter Fanninger
Produced by:
Andreas Monsberger
High Five Snow Parks aka the Snow Park Steinplatte celebrated the Gaper Day 2019.
Filmed, edited & produced by:
Henrik Frensch
Drone Footage by:
Peter Albrecht (Eventpaten)
Graphics & Grading by:
Patrick Sonntag