„LIPPSTÄDTER WELLE – MAKE IT HAPPEN“ stands up for the realization of a standing wave on the river Lippe. Surfing and Lippstadt fit together perfectly, that’s what „Lippstädter Welle“ - „Lippstadt's Wave" - show in their new video „The Search“ – a creative vision of a „surfable“ Lippstadt. In the video it’s getting obvious, that you have to leave your usual path, wanting to surf somewhere else but by the sea: The Burgmühle Lippstadt is an ideal place for that. Beautiful panoramic views of Lippstadt’s waters and sights set a close reference to the city’s motto: „Light – Water – Life“.
The registered association „Lippstädter Welle“ has been founded in September 2015. Since then a lot of members and supporters from politics and media joined the movement. A feasibility study by one of the experienced experts concerning standing waves in rivers has been completed in spring 2016, showing that local conditions for a successful realization of the project exist.
Filmed & edited by: Henrik Frensch
Concept & idea by: Designbüro Lippstadt
Property master & rider: Alexander Lempke
Music by: Manfromforest - "Taken from a friend" EP