„LIPPSTÄDTER WELLE – MAKE IT HAPPEN“ stands up for the realization of a standing wave on the river Lippe. Surfing and Lippstadt fit together perfectly, that’s what „Lippstädter Welle“ - „Lippstadt's Wave" - show in their new video „The Search“ – a creative vision of a „surfable“ Lippstadt. In the video it’s getting obvious, that you have to leave your usual path, wanting to surf somewhere else but by the sea: The Burgmühle Lippstadt is an ideal place for that. Beautiful panoramic views of Lippstadt’s waters and sights set a close reference to the city’s motto: „Light – Water – Life“.
The registered association „Lippstädter Welle“ has been founded in September 2015. Since then a lot of members and supporters from politics and media joined the movement. A feasibility study by one of the experienced experts concerning standing waves in rivers has been completed in spring 2016, showing that local conditions for a successful realization of the project exist.
Filmed & edited by: Henrik Frensch
Concept & idea by: Designbüro Lippstadt
Property master & rider: Alexander Lempke
Music by: Manfromforest - "Taken from a friend" EP
Eine Hausbaudokumentation für die FCT Zimmerei aus Lippstadt.
Über zwei Wochen habe ich den Holzrahmenbau, durchgeführt von FCT, in Morsum auf Sylt filmisch begleitet.
Filmed, edited & produced by: Henrik Frensch
A housebuilding documentary for the carpenter company FCT.
For two weeks I filmed the FCT guys building a woodframe construction house in Morsum on Sylt Island.
Filmed, edited & produced by: Henrik Frensch
Seaside-Yoga by Luisa Wipprecht
Filmed, edited & produced by:
Henrik Frensch
Grading by:
Patrick Sonntag
Mein erstes Foto, das in einem Magazin abgedruckt wurde. Das Foto gefiel der Redaktion des Kiteboarding Magazins so gut, dass sie es auf einer Doppelseite präsentierten. Vielen Dank an Boardflash Kiteschule, Kiteboarding Events und das Kitebaording Magazin.
My first photography printed in a magazine. The editors liked the photo that much that they presented it on a double page. Many thanks to Boardflas Kiteschool, Kiteboarding Events and the Kiteboarding magazine.
15 sec video for Instagram! Rochelle Fox in the presidential suite of the Minos Beach Art Hotel in Agios Nikolaos on Crete
Filmed by: Henrik Frensch
Drone Footage: Henrik Frensch & Chris Soll
Edited by: Henrik Frensch
Ein Foto des Kanuzentrums in Lippstadt. Wir setzen uns mit unserem Verein "Lippstädter Welle - Make it happen" für den Bau einer stehenden und surfbaren Flusswelle im Zuge des geplanten Umbaus der Kanustrecke ein. Einen Einblick gibt es unter www.lippstaedterwelle.com
An aerial photography of the canoe track in Lippstadt. With our association "Lippstädter Welle - Make it happen" we speak up for our standing wave project. We want a surfable standing wave for our hometown. Visit www.lippstaedterwelle.com
Ein Tag auf dem Lippstädter Golfplatz. Philipp spielt ein Birdie auf Loch 3.
A day on the golf course of Golf Club Lippstadt with Philipp playing a birdie on hole three.
Player: Philipp Kuche
Filmed, edited and produced by: Henrik Frensch
Music by: Wayward Caines - "What about you?" & "Chomutov"
Filmed, edited and produced by: Henrik Frensch
Ende September 2014 trafen sich die Mudders zum bayerischen Tough Mudder Event in Wassertrüdingen.
In the end of September 2014 the mudders met for the bavarian Tough Mudder event in Wassertrüdingen.
Filmed, edited and produced by: Henrik Frensch
An introduction to the beach bar Strukkamp on Fehmarn Island!
Filmed, edited & produced by:
Henrik Frensch
Grading by:
Patrick Sonntag
Co-Production and additional Set Design by:
Leon Schnitt
Filmed, edited & produced by:
Henrik Frensch
Grading by:
Patrick Sonntag
Co-Produced by:
Leon Schnitt
Einmal im Jahr fährt das Team vom Institut für Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt mit dem Robomobil auf das Dekra Testgelände am Lausitzring. Dort muss sich das ROMO diversen Tests unterziehen.
Once a year the team of the institute of system dynamics and control of the German Aerospace Centre test their Robomobil on the Dekra test area at the Lausitz race track.
Filmed, edited and produced by: Henrik Frensch
Filmed by: Henrik Frensch
Drone Footage: Henrik Frensch & Chris Soll
Edited by: Henrik Frensch
Ein Produktfilm für das Unternehmen Claas. Der Film erklärt den Einsatz und die Nutzung des Claas Crop Sensor.
Das Foto zeigt den Einsatz des Films auf dem Messestand der DLG auf der Agritechnica 2015.
A product film for the agricultural company Claas. The film presents the utilization of the Claas Crop Sensor.
The photo beneath shows the usage of the film on the trade fair stand of the German Agricultural Association at the Agritechnica fair in 2015.
Filmed by: Lars Frensch & Henrik Frensch
Drone Footage: Lars Frensch & Henrik Frensch
Edited by: Henrik Frensch
Ein Luftbild meiner Heimatstadt Lippstadt während der alljährlichen Herbstwoche.
An aerial photography of my hometown Lippstadt I took during the annual fair.
Filmed, edited & produced by:
Henrik Frensch
Graphics & Grading by:
Patrick Sonntag